Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Whimsical and Fun

Being an elementary school counselor allows me to have quirky, fun toys, decor and even clothing.  When I was a high school counselor, I preferred matching pieces, soft hues and simplicity.  As an elementary counselor, it is more about fun.

I picked up these unusual wall decor pieces at a garage sale for a couple dollars.  I was surprised when I saw a price tag on the back indicating they had been $19.99 on sale. They immediately caught my eye because they reminded me of my daughter's curly hair when she was younger.  While they are sure strange pieces, they are fun and certainly a conversation piece!
My curly girl pictures and  confidentiality banner
The banner shown in the bottom picture below is one I designed and had printed through Vistaprint.  I had seen so many cool banners on Pinterest and other counselor blogs that I wanted to make my own.
My banner is hung right above the Smartboard in my office.  Because I turn off the light in my office when using the Smartboard and it gets really dark (I have no windows), I keep this little string of lights hanging above the Smartboard.

When I started counseling nearly 20 years ago, I purchased several Flavia posters that have been hung in every office I've had over the years whether I was working in the high school or elementary.  I have six Flavia posters in all and three of them in this size.  
Poster Storage

I have an extensive collection of posters I've purchased over the years.  Most of them have a character trait theme. Some of my favorite posters are from the Second STEP curriculum.  Over the years I have also hung posters in the hallway but haven't done that as much lately because it seems they were always falling off the wall.  These days I am selective about the posters I use in the hallway and now use velcro.  I used to store my posters in boxes that are sold at teacher supply stores.  Those boxes aren't very sturdy and take up a lot of space.  When my mom retired, I asked for her awesome artist canvas bags.  These things are tough, have a zipper closure and can be stored far more easily.  The green poster holder in one that I attached to the inside of my cabinet door.  

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